Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September thoughts

September sunshine
September 11th, twelve years ago, was a beautiful day. That first detail is as important as all the others. It was sunny and clear and perfect. And horrible and awful and evil. A dozen years ago already, and yet still a fresh wound for an entire nation. And healing?

I don't have any personal stories of heartbreak for that day beyond what we all shared. Safe in the middle of the country and having no friends or family in New York or Washington, my experience was that of a horrified observer. I did not have to work that day, so I spent a dreadful morning watching hour after hour of television. Seeing the towers collapse. Wondering what was happening. Fearing for what might happen next. Worrying about family members and friends who were not there, but still far from home around the globe. Were they okay? Would any of us be "okay"?

Terrible as that day was, as well as the weeks that followed, there was strength in the brief feeling of national unity. The ubiquitous flag waving has long since disappeared, though, and we are all well aware that national unity seems impossible these days. So, are we simply left with collective grief over lives lost, enemies manifest, and public policy in turmoil?


It is a bittersweet day. It seems sacrilegious to be anything but somber when the calendar approaches "9-11." Those who insist that we "never forget" are right. The memories of those lost must be remembered. Efforts to prevent such terrorism must remain a priority for every nation. I'm not going to personally dress in black, though. I mean no disrespect to those who live through this day reliving profound loss. I simply believe that the best way I can respect those losses is to spend this day in gratitude for the many good things I have experience in these past few years. Twelve years ago, I was a newlywed, a new homeowner, and inexperienced teacher. Today I have been married to my very best friend for 12 years, I have been blessed with three amazing children, and I have been able to work and volunteer in a variety of capacities with people of deep commitment to making this world better.

Today, September 11, 2013 is another beautiful day. It is sunny. The skies here are clear. It is a day of sadness and thankfulness. I have no answers for the evil of the world, but I have more blessings than I can count and a deep gratitude for the good days that outnumber the bad, the good souls who outnumber the bad and a confidence that there is a God who can take the very worst of humanity and make all things good in His perfect timing.

Building together
So here are my kids, being themselves and here's what I take away from September 11, 2011. Thank you, God, for the normal days. Thank you for kids playing together and a husband who works hard to care for his family. Thank you for beautiful fall mornings. Thank you for the public servants who take care of us all, often at great personal risk. Guide us through the dark days, and give us gratitude for the many, many good ones.

Our favorite day: garbage day!

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