Friday, June 17, 2011

Beautiful baby update: 32 weeks

Here's the latest peek at our beautiful baby boy. Isn't the picture amazing? Look at those alert, open eyes! We had a checkup today and all is well. He was busy wiggling, waving, yawning, sucking his thumb, and generally showing off. He's about 4 pounds, 10 ounces. The ultrasound tech said he would probably arrive at 8 pounds, depending on unpredictable growth spurts. The doctor said 7 pounds. Either way, both said he looked great. He also has just a tiny bit of hair at this point. (So, we're expecting peach fuzz like Erik had instead of Anna's crazy, spiky do.)

We will get a few more glimpses at our little guy before we get to hold him. Due to my advanced age (even the doctors' roll their eyes at this label) there will be weekly ultrasounds during the last month of the pregnancy -- the biophysical profile.

The whole family came along for the appointment today. Erik and Anna behaved very well and enjoyed getting a look at their brother. Anna was wondering if he was coming out yet, though, and Erik turned toward the assortment of kids' books in the room once he'd had a good look at Baby's face. They also enjoy every opportunity to see the fish in the waiting room since Nemo appears to be one of them.

Since this was a middle of the day appointment, Jamieson took the day off and used the morning to paint Baby's room. It was a painfully boring white. Now, it's a cheerful shade of light green. So is the side of Erik's face. He helped Dad a bit. Perhaps the green distracts from the bug bites on the other side!

As if the baby activities weren't enough to fill our day, we had several other things going on. The kids had their last session of swimming lessons this morning. Anna was proud of her participation certificate. Erik was also pleased with his report card. Unfortunately, the instructors thought his name was "Lucas." (He mentioned that they were calling him that earlier in the week, but never worked up the nerve to correct them. So much my boy.) This afternoon, Erik had a birthday party for a friend and Anna and Daddy went out for dinner on their own. I've been up since roughly 4:30 a.m. when the birds decided to serenade us right outside the window. After attempting to sleep for awhile, I gave up, got up and took a walk. So, now everyone is completely exhausted, but it was a very good day. Praise God for little miracles of all sizes!

Baby Boy playing peek-a-boo -- arm in front of his face


  1. I can't wait to meet him! More importantly, Henry can't wait to have a friend for himself, since all the other Smiths have a friend! ;) So excited for your family...see you in July!

  2. Does he look more like Erik or Anna? I think Erik?

  3. He certainly looks like an Olsen. With the prediction of minimal hair, he's probably going to look most like Erik.

    I'm sure he will look forward to hanging out with Henry, too. Everyone else around him will be too speedy!
